The (English) and the
Lok Lehar (Hindi) are the central organs of the CPI(M). The People’s Democracy is now being published from New Delhi, Kolkata, Kochi, Hyderabad and Agartala. Apart from this, the Party is also bringing out a theoretical quarterly, The Marxist.
The Party publishes five daily newspapers in Indian languages.
The Party is also publishing several weeklies and fortnightlies in Indian languages viz; Assamese, Oriya, Bengali, Malayalam, Punjabi, Kannada, Marathi and Gujarati. A Hindi weekly Swadhintha and an Urdu fortnightly Abshar are also being published from Calcutta. Janashakti (Kannada), Jeevan Marg (Marathi), Samyabadi (Oriya), Ganashakti (Assam) and Chitan (Gujarati) are being published regularly. Hindi fornightlies Lok Samvad (U.P), Lok Jatan (M.P) and Lok Janvad (Bihar) are also being brought out.
For disseminating news centrally to our dailies and weeklies, the Party has set up its independent news agency — India News Network.
The Party runs a separate publishing house LeftWord Books for publishing broad Left-wing publications. It has publishing houses in various states like the National Book Agency in West Bengal the Chinta Publications in Kerala and the Prajashakti Book House in Andhra Pradesh.