Dr. A. Sampath on the statutory resolution regarding the Disapproval of Citizenship
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (No. 1 of 2015) and THE CITIZENSHIP (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015
DR. A. SAMPATH: Through this Bill (THE CITIZENSHIP (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2015) Government intention is to merge the Person of India Origin (PIO) and the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Cards together. I would invite the attention of the hon. Minister to Clause 4, page 2 of this Bill. I would also like to invite the attention of the hon. Minister of line 26, Clause 4(7A) (1) (a) (iv). In this regard I would like to say if other nations in the world do not adhere to this principle, we should also not adhere to such principle. These points need to be clarified from the hon. Minister. It is a matter of five million Indian people who are working abroad.