The 22nd Congress of the CPI (M) expresses profound shock at the acquittal by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court on April 16, 2018, of all those arrested in connection with the Mecca Masjid bomb blast case. It expresses deep concern that central agencies responsible for investigation and prosecution of crimes are increasingly biased in favour of Hindutva forces. Nine people offering prayers were killed in the bomb blast of Friday, May 18, 2007. 58 were injured. In the protests that followed, another five were shot dead by the police. All of them were Muslims.

The judgment stated that the acquittal was based on “lack of evidence.” Naba Kumar Sarkar alias Swami Aseemanand, and four others, all having close connections to the SanghParivar, were released immediately. Aseemanand is also an accused in the Samjhauta Express and the Ajmer Dargah bomb blasts, based on his own, signed confessional statement. Earlier he was acquitted in the Ajmer Dargah case as well. A similar injustice occurred when the Malegaon blast accused were acquitted.  The question is if all those accused have been acquitted, then who is responsible for these terrible killings.

There is a pattern in acquittals of accused owing allegiance to the Sangh Parivar in various cases of terrorism and bomb blasts. With this judgment, they have now all been acquitted because of “lack of evidence” and because witnesses turned hostile. In the Mecca Masjid case, no less than 64 witnesses turned hostile.  Selectivity in the dispensation of justice is not only condemnable but it will make a mockery of our commitment to fighting terrorist activity of all kinds.

The resignation of the judge, K. Ravinder Reddy, immediately after he pronounced his judgment has added new questions to an already questionable decision.

The increasingly polarised situation in the country demands that every effort be made to convict and punish the perpetrators of these heinous, terrorist activities. The growing belief in many quarters that those professing allegiance to the Sangh Parivar and its ideology will go scot-free must be dispelled.

The 22nd Congress of the CPI(M) demands that the NIA file an appeal against this judgment, and appeals to the people to protest against this latest mockery of justice.

(Presented by T. Jyoti from Telangana and supported by Md. Salim, Polit Bureau member)