The 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) condemns the reign of terror led by the RSS-BJP-IPFT alliance against the CPI (M) and Left forces throughout the State of Tripura. The nature of attacks expose that they are centrally planned and fascistic in character. The attacks are directed against the Party and Left forces in order to immobilise our Party organisation and our comrades completely and to prevent them from contacting the working people.

The right wing forces have subverted the peaceful, democratic, and secular environment that was established through long years of class and mass struggle by the Left, and by means of the positive contribution of the 25 years of Left Front government in the State.

From March 3, 2018, the day on which votes were counted, up to April 10, 2018, the following incidents of attacks have been hold. Four hundred and thirty eight attacks were conducted on Party offices (this includes 93 offices burnt, 230 offices ransacked and looted, 63 offices occupied, and 52 offices locked forcibly). More than two thousand Party leaders, workers and sympathisers were physically attacked. Of our trade union and mass organisation offices, 164 were attacked (including 3 offices burnt, 4 offices ransacked and looted, 154 offices occupied, and 3 offices locked forcibly). There have been more than 2,084 attacks on houses and shops of Left supporters (including 902 houses burnt, 822 houses ransacked and looted, 145 shops gutted, 186 shops ransacked and looted, 29 fisheries plundered to poisoned, 41 rubber trees destroyed, and 44 motorcycles or automobiles destroyed).

The reign of terror has many other aspects. CPI(M) members of elected bodies have been pressurised to resign from the Party or the posts that they possess. False criminal cases have been registered against Party workers and supporters. Our Party daily Desher Katha has been “banned” in government offices. BJP hoodlums are preventing its distribution and circulation. Government stopped giving advertisements.   Our comrades are prevented from joining work or are retrenched from employment. There have been many incidents of physical assault, and attacks on women and Muslims. People are subjected to extortion by ruling party supporters. Hundreds of vehicles owned by Left Front supporters are kept off the roads. Statues of Marx, Lenin, Che and Bhagat Singh have been damaged or destroyed.

Most heinous of all, Comrades Rakesh Dhar (26), and Ajendra Reang (28), both youth leaders of the Party, were killed. Hundreds of Left workers and supporters are compelled to leave their homes and localities.

The 22nd Congress of the CPI(M) condemns this barbaric attack on the CPI(M) and Left forces in Tripura. It expresses its solidarity with and support for our comrades in the State, and salutes the brave fighters of the CPI(M) and Left forces in the State. It calls upon Party members and all sections of democratic people in India to organise protest actions and movements against the reign of terror in Tripura and in solidarity with the workers and supporters of the CPI(M) and Left forces in the State.