CPI(M) General Secretary, Sitaram Yechury, has addressed the following letter to Jammu & Kashmir Governor, Satya Pal Malik regarding his visit to Srinagar on August 29.


(For CPI(M) Central Committee office)



Shri Satya Pal Malik,

Governor, Jammu & Kashmir

Dear Malik ji,


The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in an order delivered today has asked me to go to Kashmir and visit my colleague Mohd. Yusuf Tarigami and file an affidavit on my return to the court detailing his health condition.

In pursuance of the orders of the apex Court, I have decided to come to Srinagar tomorrow and meet Tarigami.

Since I am not keeping good health and require assistance, personal attendant would also be accompanying me.

Since I am coming there in pursuance of the directions of the Supreme Court, I hope that I will be permitted a personal attendant.

An early reply is solicited to facilitate travel arrangements.


With regards,

Yours sincerely


(Sitaram Yechury)

General Secretary, CPI(M)