Due to restrictions of Covid protocol, only a five-member delegation is permitted to meet the Hon’ble President of India.

More than twenty political parties in the country have extended their support to the ongoing historic farmers’ struggles and asked for the repeal of the retrograde Agri-Laws and the Electricity Amendment Bill.

We are releasing the text of the memorandum submitted by the five-member delegation to the President of India for publication.

(Released from CPI(M) Central Committee office)


The Hon’ble President of India

Dear Rashtrapati ji,

More than twenty different political parties, including many parties running state governments, have extended their solidarity with the ongoing historic struggle of the Indian peasantry and extended wholehearted support to their call for a Bharat Bandh yesterday, December 8, demanding the repeal of the retrograde Agri-Laws and the Electricity Amendment Bill.

These new Agri-Laws, passed in the Parliament in an anti-democratic manner preventing a structured discussion and voting, threaten India’s food security, destroy Indian agriculture and our farmers, lay the basis for the abolishment of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and mortgage Indian agriculture and our markets to the caprices of multi-national agri-business corporates and domestic corporates.

We urge upon you, as the custodian of the Indian Constitution, to persuade “your government” not to be obdurate and accept the demands raised by India’s annadatas.

With regards,


Rahul Gandhi, (Indian National Congress)

Sharad Pawar, (Nationalist Congress Party)

Sitaram Yechury, (Communist Party of India (Marxist)

D. Raja, (Communist Party of India)

T K S Elangovan, (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam)