The 24 th State Conference at the conclusion of the discussions on the draft placed on the Left Front Government review approved the draft and authorized the State Committee to finalise the document taking into account 71 amendments which were moved. 27 delegates spoke on the document. Buddhadeb Bhattacharya summing up the discussions said “People will bring the change but there are no short cuts. Our daily political work, contact with the masses, taking up the issues is critical. As an opposition party we have alternative policies which we have to propagate now and take the message to the people. There is a rightward shift in the political framework under the leadership of the BJP/ RSS our work is to change the co relation of forces. We have learnt from our mistakes and weaknesses and also from our strengths and achievement. Together with a United will we will move forward from the conference for this political struggle with confidence that it is not only possible but definite.”