The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement:

Denounce Israel’s Atrocities

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) denounces the Israeli atrocity on a tent camp in Rafah, which has killed 45 people. The Israeli air strike on the camp in which displaced people were living has caused the death of 20 women and children.

Despite the direction given by the International Court of Justice to halt the offensive on Rafah, the Israeli armed forces are continuing their inhuman attacks. The death toll in the genocidal war on Gaza has now crossed 36,000, with thousands more buried under the rubble.

The CPI(M) calls upon all democratic and peace-loving people in India to raise their voices of protest against Israel’s genocidal war and demand an immediate halt to the Rafah offensive and the enforcement of a ceasefire.

The Modi government should forthwith demand that Israel halt its war and accept a ceasefire. The government should also stop all arms exports to Israel which are being used in this barbaric war.