Central Committee Communique

October 4, 2019

Press Communique

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met in New Delhi from October 2 to 4, 2019. It has issued the following statement:

LDF Victory in Kerala

The Central Committee congratulated the people of Pala assembly for electing the candidate of the Left Democratic Front. This is an unprecedented victory. Considered a UDF stronghold, the LDF snatched this sitting UDF seat in the face of a big campaign mounted against the LDF and its government in Kerala.

J&K Situation: Far from “Normal”

Despite the Central Government and the BJP claiming from the roof-tops that the situation in Jammu & Kashmir is “normal”, things are quite the opposite. Even CPI(M) Central Committee member, Mohd. Yusuf Tarigami, was not granted permission to attend the meeting of the Central Committee, though the government claimed in the Supreme Court, that he is not under detention. This shows that all the claims made by the government that so-called normalcy exists in the valley is completely opposite of the ground realities.

The clampdown on communications continues, public transport is off the roads, schools and other educational institutions remain closed, shops and other business establishments continue to remain shut. This situation has continued for over two months now. It has put the people in unprecedented hardships.

It is in this situation that the elections to the Block Development Council in Jammu & Kashmir have been announced. This is a travesty of democracy with the sole intention of portraying to the world that “normalcy” prevails. Further, 61 per cent of the seats of the panches and sarpanches who constitute the electoral college for the BDC elections are lying vacant.

The CPI(M) reiterates its demand for restoration of communications, movement, civil liberties and release of all political leaders and activists. Elections can only be held after the right to political activity is restored.

NRC Process and Connected Issues

The Chief Ministers of various BJP-ruled states have demanded a National Register of Citizens (NRC) in their states. The NRC was part of the Assam Accord and was specific to the state of Assam. It was under the direction of the Supreme Court that this process was conducted. Nearly 20 lakh people have been left out of the NRC in Assam. No genuine Indian citizen can be excluded. All the appeals by those excluded must be considered and adjugated by a judicial authority without any discrimination. The detention centres where those declared foreigners by the Foreigners Tribunal are housed, lack basic amenities and the conditions are abysmal, violative of elementary human rights. These must be closed down and people should be allowed to stay as they did so far till their appeals are adjudicated.   

The Central Committee of the CPI(M) opposes the extension of the NRC outside of Assam. This government has revived the preparation of the National Population Register (NPR). This is being done in preparation for an all India NRC on the basis of this NPR. BJP Central Government has asked some states to start constructing buildings to be used as detention centres.

All these exercises are unnecessary as the Aadhaar cards have been universalized in the country. The EPIC with the photo identity electoral rolls has the list of all voters of the country, which is routinely revised every year. When all these already exist, the simultaneous talk of extending the NRC beyond Assam, enumeration of the NPR, duplication the electoral rolls by the Electoral Verification Process and the assurance of passing the Citizenship Amendment Bill, all indicate the efforts to sharpen polarization in the country in order to consolidate the RSS/BJP’s communal vote bank.

Economic Crisis

The unprecedented economic slowdown in India, bordering on recession with large-scale unemployment, lakhs of workers being retrenched, the continuing agrarian distress are all imposing greater miseries on the people.  Even according to the GDP data from the controversial 2011-12 base year series, the rate of growth of GDP has fallen successively over the last five quarters from 8.1 per cent in Q4 of 2017-18 to 5 per cent in Q1 of 2019-20. The Index of Industrial Production also confirms the slowdown – the Manufacturing Index of Industrial Production growth for the April-July period of 2019-20 was just 2.8 per cent compared to 5.6 per cent for the same period last year. The overall IIP growth for April-July similarly showed a drop to 3.3 per cent this year from 5.4 per cent last year. Capital Goods production in fact has contracted by 4.3 per cent (negative growth) compared to a 7.1 per cent increase in the same period last year. Consumer durables too have seen a contraction in their production by 2.7 per cent.

As a consequence of this economic recession unemployment has risen to unprecedented levels. The CMIE estimates on the basis of official figures, which are normally a gross underestimation; as of September 27, 2019, unemployment has reached 9.94 per cent – the highest in over half a century. By August end 4.5 crore people officially reported being unemployed. This is an increase of 1.1 crore from last August. Youth unemployment is estimated to be 28 per cent.

The Central Committee calls upon all its units to mobilise the largest sections of the people in response to the call given by the Left parties for an all India protest between October 10 & 16 on the following demands:

• Increased public investment to generate employment. Untill then the central government must provide unemployment allowance to the youth.
• Ensure a minimum wage of Rs. 21,000 per month.
• The government must ensure the provision of monthly living wages for the large number of workers who have been terminated.
• Stop privatization of the Public Sector. Withdraw 100% FDI in defence and coal sectors. Halt the large scale privatization of BSNL, ordnance factories, Indian Railways, Air India etc.
• Allocations for MGNREGA must be enhanced to ensure the payment of past dues and for providing a minimum of 200 days of work at the designated minimum wage.
• A one-time loan waiver to the farmers to meet agrarian distress, stem growing farmers suicides and announcement and implementation of the minimum support price one and half times higher than the input costs.
• Raise minimum monthly old age/widow pension to Rs. 3000.

State Assembly Elections

The Central Committee discussed the tactics to be adopted in the elections to the state assemblies of Maharashtra, Jharkhand & Haryana. Discussions with the Left, secular and democratic forces are going on for seat adjustments.

The full list of the candidates contesting these elections will be announced soon.

The endeavor of the CPI(M) in these elections will be to defeat the communal-fascistic forces led by the BJP and its allies and to strengthen the Left presence in the assemblies.

Observance of the
Centenary of the Foundation of the Communist Party

October 17, 2020 marks the 100th year of the foundation of the Communist Party of India. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has given a call for a year-long observation, beginning October 17, 2019 of the foundation of the Party.

Central Committee Communique

August 7, 2009

Press Communiqué

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) met at Kolkata between January 2 and 4, 2007. It has issued the following statement:

Execution of Saddam Hussein

The Central Committee strongly condemned the execution of Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi regime set up by the United States. This judicial assassination and the manner in which it was conducted shows the character of the Iraqi government set up under US occupation. There has been widespread outrage and condemnation in India against this heinous step. It is unfortunate that the UPA government has only expressed disappointment at this act. The people of India expect the UPA government to take a firm and categorical stand against the Bush administration that has become notorious for its gross violations of national sovereignty and illegal aggressive actions.

BJP’s Communal Platform

The BJP has adopted a rabidly communal platform at its national council session in Lucknow. The hallmark of this stand is minority baiting. The BJP’s stand on terrorism, the execution of Afzal Guru or its attitude to the Justice Sachar Committee report, are motivated by a communal outlook. The Sachar Committee report has effectively exposed the entire propaganda of the BJP about “minority appeasement”.

The CPI(M) decided to bring out a comprehensive charter for the advancement of the Muslim community in the socio-economic, educational and employment spheres. It also decided to bring out a booklet exposing the pernicious role of the BJP-RSS combine so that all Party units can utilize it for the anti-communal campaign.

Indo-US Nuclear Deal

The legislation adopted by the US Congress to facilitate the Indo-US nuclear deal attempts to link the agreement with India’s foreign policy being “congruent” to the foreign policy of the United States and demands that India line up with the US to sanction and isolate Iran. The actual terms set out in the legislation does not offer “full civilian nuclear cooperation” and other measures spelt out by the Prime Minister in his August 17 statement in parliament. There are objectionable clauses such as annual reporting by the President regarding India’s nuclear energy sector to the US Congress, a modified additional protocol with the IAEA and the shifting of goalposts in terms of two new provisions concerning alternative fuel supplies from friendly countries in case the US cancels its obligations and the building up of a strategic fuel reserve.

It is not enough to cite President Bush’s statement that the executive can exercise its prerogative in the specified areas without being bound down by the US Congress. This is a subjective interpretation. A new president assuming office in 2008 can decide to abide by the provisions of the law.

The debate in both houses of parliament on the US legislation has made it clear that a majority in parliament (i.e. all parties except the UPA partners) are against proceeding with the bilateral agreement on the terms set out by the United States.

The government should not proceed with the bilateral agreement without clearing all the extraneous terms and foreign policy implications of the agreement. The Central Committee calls upon the Party to launch a campaign against the dangers inherence in the Indo-US nuclear agreement.

Price Rise

The Central Committee expressed its serious concern at the rising rate of inflation. The annual rate of inflation is between 6 to 7 per cent. The sharpest rise has been in the case of foodgrains and food articles. The prices of pulses have risen by nearly 33 per cent between January and November 2006. A major factor for this price rise is the forward and futures trading in foodgrains and essential commodities. The Standing Committee of parliament has come out with recommendations for amending the Futures Trading Act. So far the government has refused to consider these changes. The price rise can be checked only if there are curbs on futures trading in essential commodities and ban on open entry of private players in the grain trade. The government has to make efforts to increase procurement and strengthen the public distribution system.

The Central Committee considers the reduction in the prices of petrol and diesel by Rs. 2 and 1 to be insufficient. The government must immediately bring the petroleum prices down to the June 2006 level.

Atrocities on Dalits

The Central Committee expressed its outrage at the gruesome atrocity in which a dalit family including two women were killed. The manner in which the shocking incident was handled by the police is a graphic illustration of how dalits in this country continue to be deprived of elementary justice. The Central Committee demanded that the CBI expedite investigation into the case and all those guilty be proceeded against without delay.

Singur Project

The Central Committee heard a report on the Tata Motors car project to be set up at Singur. The opposition in West Bengal and some other forces outside have sought to misrepresent the Singur project as a SEZ. The Singur project is not a SEZ. All the land owners and bargadars are being compensated at a level which does not deprive them of their due. Various steps for rehabilitating those who will lose their livelihood in the area concerned are also being put in place. The Left Front government of West Bengal has formulated a land use policy which should become the basis for the use of land for industrial and development projects.

The CPI(M) reiterates that it will continue to struggle against the manner in which SEZs are being set up all over the country in which indiscriminately large tracts of land are being taken over. The present rules promote real estate speculation. The CPI(M) is working for amendments to the SEZ Act and the rules.

Uttar Pradesh Elections

The Central Committee approved the decision of the UP State Committee to contest 15 seats in the forthcoming assembly polls. The Party will seek to project policies which are in the interests of the working people and for the planned development of Uttar Pradesh. The Party will accord priority to defeat the BJP and to prevent any possibility of its coming into the state government after the polls. The Party will cooperate with those secular parties who can effectively defeat the BJP.

Kerala Issues

The Polit Bureau discussed some issues concerning the Kerala Party and government affairs. It decided on certain steps to be taken to sort out the problems and to improve the coordination between the government and the Party.

Government Should Fulfill Commitments

In the forthcoming Union budget and during the budget session of parliament the government has to fulfill some of its policy commitments:

Ø The government should extend the coverage of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act to another 200 districts.

Ø The Central Committee noted that the various recommendations of the National Commission of Farmers have not been taken up for implementation by the government. In order to alleviate the impact of the agrarian crisis, the government should accept the Farmers Commission’s recommendations regarding interest rate of institutional credit; the setting up of price stabilization fund and minimum support price mechanism.

Ø The Central Committee considers the Seed Bill in the present form to be a retrograde step as it takes away the right of the peasants to produce, sell and barter farm seeds. The bill has to incorporate the major suggestions made by the Standing Committee of parliament and the provisions in the plant varieties and the Farmers Right Act of 2001.

Ø The Central Committee expressed its disappointment on the non-introduction of the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Winter session of parliament. This must be given priority in the budget session.

Ø The Central Committee opposed the proposed legislation which would allow foreign universities to open their branches in the country. While academic exchanges and collaboration between universities in India and abroad should be encouraged, there cannot be foreign universities directly setting up their institutions here.

February Campaign

The Central Committee called upon all its Party units to conduct a one-week campaign from February 1 to 8 on the following issues:

1. Against price rise

2. Steps to be taken to provide relief to farmers and the rural poor due to the agrarian crisis

3. Strengthening of the Public Distribution System

4. Extension of the Rural Employment Guarantee Act

5. Introduction of the Women’s Reservation Bill and legislations for agricultural workers and the unorganized sector workers