Thousands of Adivasis in Chaibasa in Kolhan area in Jharkhand held a massive protest dharna at the Commissioner’s office on 30th August 2017. In the name of online registration of revenue receipts on land, the BJP Government is eliminating traditional adivasi systems of land settlement and revenue collection through gram sabhas. The system called the Manki Munda system is a barrier to the arbitrary land grab by the BJP Government for corporates.
Comrade Brinda Karat was invited by the community’s leaders to address the gathering. The four JMM MLAs of the region were also present but were criticized by the Manki Munda Association for not taking up the issue. They welcomed the CPI-M’s continued support on the issue. Earlier, Brinda Karat, Praful Linda and other CPI-M leaders had accompanied a Manki Munda delegation to the President of India on this issue which was much appreciated by the Adivasis in the area.