Chandigarh, February 10,  2015.

A joint deputation of state leaders of four left parties  – CPI, CPI(M), CPM Punjab, CPI (M-L) Liberation met  Sh. Parkash Singh Badal,  Chief Minister Punjab at his residence here yesterday from 4-00 to 5-00 PM.

The deputation presented its 15 point Demands Charter consisting of burning demands of various sections of  the people of Punjab, including the withdrawal of draconian Black Bill ‘ Punjab Prevention Of Damage To Public And Private Property Bill- 2014 ‘.

The deputation consisted of Comrades Dr. Joginder Dayal, Bant Brar, Jagroop Singh and Hardev Arshi from CPI, Charan Singh Virdi, Raghunath Singh and Vijay Misra from CPI(M) ,  Mangat Ram Pasla, Harkanwal Singh and Inderjit Singh Grewal from CPM Punjab,  Rajwant Rana , Rulda Singh and  Bhagwant  Singh  Samao from CPI(M-L) Liberation.

The meeting was held in a  cordial  atmosphere. The Chief Minister was responsive. He heard the demands with sympathy. He also agreed to look into depth the demands like plot to rural landless people, property tax, drug addiction. filling up of vacant posts in government departments  and  black marketing in sand. 

He agreed to get the pending payments of MGNREGA workers cleared at the earliest possible. He was in agreement with the left parties on the issues of implementation of Dr. Swaminathan Committee recommendations for fixing of procurement prices for agricultural produce and assured to pursue it strongly with the central government.  The deputation urged that the  existing system of government procurement and providing MSP for particularly for wheat and paddy should be continued and the recommendations for dismantling of  Food corporation Of India be rejected because it will  harm the interests of peasantry , particularly wheat and paddy growing Punjab peasantry and also would  also cripple food security system.  He also concurred with the left parties demand  regarding transfer of Chandigarh to Punjab, settlement of rivers wasters dispute and   settlement of claims and counter claims regarding transfer of Punjabi speaking areas to Punjab. He agreed to put pressure on the centre for resolving this issue. On the issue  of restructuring of centre state relations to give more

powers to states adhereing to principle of genuine  federalism . Shri Badal expressed his commitment to pursue this issue more vigorously.

Evaluating the results of the negotiations upon the Demand Charter the left leaders have concluded that though the discussions were held in a very cordial atmosphere but  it is necessary to go to the people  and mobilize the masses for getting the demands conceded.

The leaders have called upon  their respective party units and the people to make the Tehsil level political conferences a success and also intensify  preparations for ‘March to Assembly  ‘ during the Budget Session in a big way to build the mass pressure required for forcing the government  to settle the demands in a satisfactory manner.