While addressing a Press Conference at CPI(M) Office, Ranchi, Brinda Karat, Polit Bureau Member hailed the appointment of 1st Tribal Woman Governor in the state of Jharkhand. She greeted Draupadi Murmu. Brinda Karat emphasised that the BJP led Modi government is introducing series of draconian laws including Land Acquisition Bill and New Minining Act etc., unleashing ruthless attack on the rights of tribals of Jharkhand accrued under the 5th  Schedule of Constitution. Tribal population of Jharkhand will be looking forward to the crucial role of new Governor with great expectations in thwarting the ill impacts of such laws. Since Governor has the constitutional responsibility of protecting the rights of tribals under the provisions of constitution in respect to Land, Language and Culture.

This Press Conference was held at the close of 3-day long session of Secretariate, State Committee and a State level GB Meetings from 18th – 20th May, 2015 at Ranchi.   On 19th May,2015 in a  state level GB Meeting Com.Brinda Karat explained and reported on 3 documents adopted by the 21st Party Congress held at Vishakhapattanam i.e. Review of Political Tactical Line, Political Resolution and Political Organisational Report. She also outlined the specific and concrete conditions prevailing in the state of Jharkhand and called upon the party ranks to expand and strengthen the independent base of Party to augment the path of building Left & Democratic Front. 224  leading comrades from different districts participated in the GB Meeting. State Committee decided to complete the task of Reporting on 21st Party Congress by 30th June,2015 in every district.

A state level Convention on socio-economic problems of Dalits will be held at Garhwa on 23rd June,2015, rest of the districts will organise befitting programmes commemorating the 125th birth anniversary of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. Commemoration of Birth Centnery Year of Com.HKS Surjeet will be organised in all districts through several programmes . A state level programme will be organised at Ranchi.

State Committee, stressing on fund raising for party whole timers, decided a week long special campaign from 1st to 7th June,2015 throughout the state, involving all leading local, district and state functionaries in this programme. Programme for extensive party education at all levels has been decided.

State Committee called upon party ranks to launch intensified block and district level mass campaign through Demonstrations, Padayatra, street corner meetings, Jatha and leaflet distribution etc., in the month of June, 2015, against state patronised Communalism, Land Acquisition (amendment) Ordinance, on issues related to Forest Land Rights and Food security matters, MNREGA, worsening situation of  electricity, water, law and order in the state and other anti-labour, anti-kisan and anti-people policies of state and central govts. led by BJP.

State Committee gave a call to all party units to actively support the programmes of Effigy burning on 26th May,2015 and statewide protest-day on 30th June,2015 opposing anti-people policies of central govt. of Privatisation & Disinvestment of PSU, FDI, Pro-management amendments in labour laws and Land Acquisition(amendment )Ordinance. etc.