Four Left parties of Punjab- the CPI, CPI(M), CPM Punjab and CPI(ML) Liberation organized a convention in Deshbhagat Yadgaar Hall in Chandigarh on August 4.  More than 2000 people participated in the convention. A large number of workers had to remain outside the hall as it was packed to capacity. The Convention demanded immediate withdrawal of the draconian ‘Punjab prevention of damage to public and private property bill-2014’  passed by the Punjab assembly. Through another resolution the convention decided on a phased programme of struggle for settlement of  burning genuine demands of the people.  It was declared that as a first phase of struggle, district level protest dharnas will be organized from 2-5 September, 2014 all over Punjab.
Charan  Singh Virdi, Raghunath Singh, Vijay Misra,  from CPI(M),  Dr Joginder Dyal, Hardev Arsi, Harbhajan Singh from CPI, Harkanwal Singh, Mangat Ram Pasla,  from CPM Punjab and Gurmit Singh Bakhtupura and Ruldu Singh from CPI ( ML ) Liberation addressed the convention.
The speakers said that the Modi led NDA government  is pursuing the anti people and pro MNCs and foreign finance capital  neo- liberal policies initiated by the UPA government more enthusiastically. They also cautioned the workers that it is for the first time  that a pro Hindutava idealogy party has secured absolute majority in Lok Sabha and they have already started implementng divisive and sectarian agenda  of the RSS. The speakers said that the  Akali-BJP coalition government in Punjab is a partner of the Central government and is pursuing the same policies. They condemned the anti people policies of the Punjab government which have resulted in sharp price rise and unemployment.  Mafia aided and abetted by the government is controlling transport, cable TV, sand and gravel in Punjab. The leaders of ruling coalition are grabbing public land from village level to city level. They said that  drug mafia has shelter and patronage of politicians , police and civil administration.
The convention demanded Rs 3000 as minimum old age and widow pension, Rs 15000 minimum wage for unskilled workers, implementation of Swaminathan recommendations, unemployment allowance  removal of toll plazas, cheap education and health services  within the reach of common people etc. The convention expressed serious concern over rising atrocities against women and dalits in the state. 
The convention was presided over by Comrades  Ranbir virk, Jagrup Singh, Kulwant Singh Sandhu and Sukhdev Singh Bhagokawan.