The BJP led Central Government is being run by the RSS said Prakash Karat at a public meeting organized by the AP State Committee in Kurnool as part of the M.Basavapuniah centenary observance. Speaking on the current political situation, Com. Prakash said that the one month rule of the Modi Government has shown its anti people pro corporate character with the hike in railway fares and freight rates affecting common people.
He saluted the martyrs of West Bengal  and called upon the Party to stand in solidarity with the courageous resistance being waged in defense of democracy by the Party in West Bengal. He demanded action against Tapas Pal, the TMC M.P. for his outrageous comments.
He said the CPIM will strive to strengthen Left Unity. The Left is the only real alternative.
Earlier paying homage to Com M.B. he spoke about his great contribution in building the communist movement in India. Com P.Madhu, Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh committee and other leaders paid homage to Com MB.