“The Narendra Modi-led RSS/BJP regime is sharpening attacks on the federal structure of the constitution, as Maharashtra is experiencing consistently”, said Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the CPI(M), inaugurating the 23rd Maharashtra State Conference at Nagpur on March 20, 2022. Narasayya Adam, State Secretary and Central Committee Member of the Party presided over the function.

Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M), stressed the need to counter the Hindutva ideological attacks by strengthening scientific and rational  temper and traditions.

Ashok Dhawale, Central Committee member of the Party stressed in his speech how people’s struggles can thwart the government’s pro-corporate, anti-people policies.

Vijay Jawandhiya, a renowned farmer leader and the chairman of the reception committee, while welcoming the delegates of the conference dwelt in his speech on the democratic heritage of Nagpur city and Vidarbha, especially recollecting the Dhammachakra Parivartan, adoption of Buddhism by lakhs of dalits under Dr Ambedkar’s leadership at Nagpur in 1956. He brought out in his speech the unequal nature of capitalist development generating wide gaps between urban India and rural India.

The 23rd CPI(M) Maharashtra state conference concluded with Comrade Uday Narkar being elected as State Secretary. A 50 member state committee with 9 women comrades has also been elected.