XXXVI, 3-4
July-December 2020
Principal Writings of Friedrich Engels1
Books and Articles To 1845
Articles on English economic and social affairs in the Rheinische Zeitung (9 December 1842), the Schweizerischer Republikaner (2 June 1853) (in Gesamtausgabe, 1(2), pp. 351-75), The New Moral World (4 November 1843 — 3 February 1844) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(2), pp, 435-55), Vorwarts (Paris) (31 August — II September 1844 and 18 September — 19 October 1844) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(4), pp. 291¬334).
Review of Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, in the Deutsch¬Franzosische jahrbacher (Paris 1844) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(2)3 pp. 405¬31).
Umrisse zu einer Kritik der Nationalokonomie’ (Deutsch-Fr anz Osische Jahrbucher, 1844) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(2), pp. 379-404); English translation in appendix to Karl Marx, Economic and Philo¬sophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1961).
Articles and speeches on Communism in the Deutsches Burgerbuch (Darmstadt 1845) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(4), pp. 351-66) and in the Rheinische Jahrbucher (Darmstadt 1845) (in Gesamtausgabe IGO, pp. 369-90).
Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England (1845) (in Gesamtausgabe I(4), pp. 5-282, ed. by V. Adoratskij). First English translation — The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 — by Florence Kelley Wischnewetzky (published in the U.S.A. in 1887 and in the United Kingdom in 1892). A new English translation by W. 0. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner — The Condition of the Working Class in England — was published by Basil Blackwell in 1958. A French translation by Brache was issued in 1933.
Article on builders’ strike in Manchester in Das Westfalische Dampfboot (January and February 1846) (in Gesamtausgabe, I(4), pp. 393-405), English translation in. Henderson and Chaloner’s edition of The Condition of the Working Class in England, pp. 337-52.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology (Lawrence & Wishart, London 1965).
Das Manifest der kommunistischen Partei (The Communist Manifesto) by Marx and Engels (1848). Three editions were printed in 1848 – two by J. E. Burghard of 46 Liverpool Street, Bishopsgate, London, and one by R. Hirschfeld of 48 Clifton Street, Finsbury Square, London (Gesamtausgabe I(6), pp. 682-6). English translation by Helen Macfarlane in The Red Republican (23 and 30 November 1850). Centenary translation – Harold Laski (ed.), The Communist Manifesto: Socialist Landmark (5948); new introductions by Marx and Engels to reprints of 1872 and 1882 and by Engels to reprints of 1883,1888 and 1890.
Numerous articles on current affairs were contributed by Engels to the Neue Rheinische Zeitung between 1 June 1848 and 29 April 5849, in Gesamtausgabe I(7) and K. Marx and F. Engels, Die Revolution von 1849: Auswahl aus der Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung (1955); see ‘Marx and die Neue Rheinische Zeitung’ in the Sozialdemokrat (13 March 1884).
Article on ‘The Ten Hours Question’ in the Democratic Review (March 1850).
Articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (London, Hamburg: New York 1850; reprinted in 1955):
‘Die deutsche Reichsverfassungs-Campagne’ (January and Feb¬ruary 1850).
‘Fiir die Republik zu sterben’ (March 1850).
‘Die englische Zehnstundenbill’ (April 1850).
Review of Thomas Carlyle, Latter Day Pamphlets (April 1850).
`Der deutsche Bauernkrieg’ (May-October 1850), republished by Engels as a book in 1870. English translation: The Peasant War in Germany (with appendices on The Mark’ and The History of the Prussian Peasantry’) issued by the Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1956.
Twenty articles on the revolution of 1848 in Germany in the New York Daily Tribune (25 October 1851 to 22 December 5852) signed by Karl Marx but written by Engels. Appeared as a book – Revolution and Counter Revolution in Germany – in 1896: edited by Eleanor Marx-Aveling who attributed the articles to her father. An American edition (Germany: Revolution and Counter Revolution) appeared in 1933.
Articles on the Eastern Question and the Crimean War in the New York Times (1853-4). Some were reprinted in 1897 by Eleanor Marx¬Aveling and E. Aveling — who attributed them to Marx — as The Eastern Question. ‘Deutschland und der Panslawismus ‘ in the Neue Oder Zeitung (Breslau) (21 and 24 April 1855).
Three articles on European armies in Putnam’s Monthly Magazine (New York, August—December 1855).
Articles on military subjects in the New America Cyclopaedia. Engels’s articles included those on ‘Army’, Cannon’, ‘Fortification’, `Infantry’, ‘Navy’, Bliicher’, ‘Armada’ and ‘Aboukir’.
Po und Rhein (1859): anonymous pamphlet. The name of the author was soon revealed by Marx in Das Volk (London).
Two articles in Das Volk (London, 6 and zo August 1859) on Karl Marx, Zur Kritik der politischen Okonomie.
Savoyen, Nizza und der Rhein (1860): sequel to Po und Rhein. The two pamphlets (ed. by E. Bernstein) were reprinted by Dietz at Stuttgart in 1915.
Article on the English volunteers in the Allgemeine Militiir¬Ze:tung (Darmstadt, 8 September 1860); reprinted in English in the Volunteer Journal for Lancashire and Cheshire (54 September 186o). Twenty-eight further articles by Engels appeared in this journal between September 186o and March 1862; reprinted in Engels as Military Critic (ed. by W. H. Chaloner and W. 0. Henderson, 1959). Articles on military subjects in the New York Daily Tribune (February to September 1860) and in the Allgemeine Militar-Zeitung (I and 8 November 1862).
Two articles on the American Civil War in the Volunteer Journal (6 December 1861 and 14 March 1862); reprinted in Engels as a Mili¬tary Critic (ed. by W. H. Chaloner and W. O. Henderson, 1959).
Letter on the Schleswig-Holstein war in the Manchester Guardian (16 February 1864); reprinted in Engels as Military Critic (ed. by W. O. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner, 1959).
Die Preussische Militarfrage und die deutsche Arbeiterpartei (1865): pamphlet criticizing the followers of Lassalle.
Three articles on Poland in The Commonwealth (24 and 31 March and 5 May 1866).
Article on Marx in Die Zukunft.
Five articles in the Manchester Guardian on the Seven Weeks’ War; reprinted in Engels as Military Critic (ed. by W. O. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner, 1959).
Sixty articles in the Pall Mall Gazette on the Franco-Prussian war. Reprinted as a book in Vienna under the title Notes on the War. Sixty Articles reprinted from the ‘Pall Mall Gazette’ (ed by F. Adler, 1923). German translation 1957.
Six articles on the housing question in the Volksstaat (1872). Revised and reprinted as a pamphlet in Zurich in 1887. English translation: The Housing Question (1935).
V Alliance de la democratie socialiste et l’ Association internationale des travailleurs (1873). Sharp attack on Bakunin.
Herrn Eugen Duhrings Umwalzung der Wissenschaft (1878). Ap¬peared originally as articles in Vorwarts. English translation entitled Anti-Duhring (published by the Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1959).
Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft (3 chapters from Anti-Duhring with an appendix on ‘The Mark’). An English translation by E. Aveling entitled Socialism, Utopian and Scientific appeared in 1892.
Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staates (Hottingen-Zurich 1884). English translation: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow).
Essay on the history of the Prussian peasants which was printed as the second part of an introduction to W. Wolff, Die Schlesische Milliarde (Zurich 1886). English translation appeared as appendix to The Peasant War in Germany.
Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philoso¬phic (Stuttgart 1888), an expansion of a review of C. N. Starke, Ludwig Feuerbach which appeared in Die Neue Zeit in 1886. Eng¬lish translation: Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1950).
Article on Russian foreign policy in Die NeueZeit (1890); in English in The Times (June 1890).
In Sachen Brentano contra Marx wegen angeblicher Zitatsfalschung (Hamburg 1891).
Preface to new edition of K. Marx, Der Bargerkrieg in Frankreich.
Articles on Marx in Handzviirterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, Vol. IV (1892), and on Schorlernmer in Vorweirts, (3 July 1892).
‘Der Sozialisnius in Deutschland’ (in Die Neue Zeit, 1892).
Kazin Europa abriisteriP (in Die Neue Zeit, 5893).
Preface to new edition of Karl Marx, Die Klassenkampfe in Frank¬reich. Complete text in D. Riazanov (ed.), Unter dem Banner des Marxismus, Vol. I (1925).
`Gewalt und Okonomie bei der Herstellung des neuen Deutschen Reiches’ (incomplete manuscript printed by Eduard Bernstein in Die Neue Zeit, 1896: reprinted in Uber die Gewaltstheorie, 1946).
K. Marx and F. Engels, Briefwechsel, 4 vols, (Marx-Engels Gesamt¬ausgabe, 1929-31: new edition 1936 and 195o). Replaces the unsatis¬factory edition of 1913 edited by August Bebel and Eduard Bern¬stein.
K. Marx and F. Engels, Ausgewahlte Briefe (Berlin, 1953). English translation: Selected Letters (London 1936).
E. Eichorn (ed.), V ergessene Briefe (Briefe Friedrich Engels an Johann Philipp Becker (Berlin 192o).
E. Bernstein (ed.), Die Briefe von Friedrich Engels an Eduard Bernstein (Berlin 1925).
G. Mayer (ed.), Briefe von Friedrich Engels an Mutter und Geschwister’ (in the Deutsche Revue, 1920-1).
`Aus der Fluchtlingszeit von Marx und Engels’ (letters from Marx and Engels to J. Weydemeyer and others) (in Die Neue Zeit, Vol. XXV, 1906-7).
Victor Adlers Aufsatze, Reden und Briefe (Vienna 1922).
K. Mandelbaum (ed.), Die Briefe von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels an Danielson (introduction by G. Mayer) (Leipzig 1929).
`Engels’ Briefe an Conrad Schmidt’ (in Sozialistische Monatshefte, 1920).
B. Kautsky (ed.), Friedrich Engels’ Briefwechsel mit K. Kautsky (new edition, 1955).
G. Eckert (ed.), Wilhelm Liebknecht. Briefwechsel mit Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels (The Hague 1963).
F.Engels’ Briefe an Bebel (1959).
Correspondence of Friedrich Engels with Paul and Laura Lafargue, 3 vols. (1959).
K. Marx and F. Engels, Letters to Americans, 1845-95 (New York 1953).
1. Based upon the appendix on Engels’s works in Maximilien Rubel, Bibliographic des oeuvres de Karl Marx (1956), pp. 242-58.